NEW SITE or klik KLIK HERE 100 % ALAMIThese celebrities have managed to get into everybody's nerve or something for the mere fact that they always strut with almost naked bodies. Their bikinis range from daring to dangerous, with some of them being just downright unfair. Here we present you the top 10 sexiest women to ever wear a bikini.
10. Jessica Simpson
Let's start the list with Jessica Simpson. She boosted her bikini factor after showing her bare skin for Esquire.
9. Tara Reid
Tara Reid once played virgin-next-door in "American Pie" but now looks like she's in a lot better shape. Bikini would suit perfect for this hottie.
8. Carmen Electra
Carmen Electra has to be on this list because all she is really known for is looking smoking hot and sometimes gives a useful sexy tips.
7. Cameron Diaz
Cameron is known for her surfsing abilities, maybe that's why she has that muscle-packed abdomen and legs.
6. Jessica Biel
She has come out from Seventh Heaven with that feisty body. No dull moment ever since her transition from a teeny bopping pastor's daughter to a consistent bikini favorite.
5. Jessica Alba
When it comes to being naked Jessica has no shame to do it. Her face, her eyes and her body are sheer perfection. Even after she got pregnant, she is still going to the gym.
4. Roselyn Sanchez
Roselyn is one of the hottest women alive and has the perfect bikini body to prove it.
3. Gisele Bundchen
Just look at this woman, Gisele Bundchen is the epitome of bikini perfection.
2. Alessandra Ambrosio
Sometimes words can't describe perfection. She is the mecca of bikini body.
1. Adriana Lima
Finally, the long waited finalist is Adriana Lima. She prooves herself as a bikini goddess, sometimes showing even more skin than expected.
Label: Hot Artist